Middle School

Wednesday Nights: 6 – 7:15 PM (Outdoor)
Our Middle School Group meets on Wednesdays from 6 to 7:15 pm. Our group provides a safe place for middle school students to hear from the Bible, learn about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, and get poured into by older and wiser leaders. It’s a great time and a lot of fun – hope to see your student there!

Sundays Mornings: 9 – 10 AM
Instead of doing a traditional Sunday school program, we now hold a program called “Pancakes and Prayer.” There are two goals of “Pancakes and Prayer.” The first goal of this program is to build community through sharing a meal together. We want the students to feel like they have a community in the youth group that cares personally about them. The second goal is to help the youth become more connected to the larger church body. Our hope is that the students will become more connected by joining in corporate worship with the congregation, as well as, serving in the local church. To better achieve this goal, we have a Bible study and discussion that directly derives from the sermon Pastor Jim is teaching upstairs. So, when the students join the congregation for church at 10:30 service, they are hearing the main points of the sermon for a second time and will better understand the core themes of the series.

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Our mission is to connect others to Jesus Christ through worship, discipleship, and service, and we want to help you and your family do that in the simplest way possible.





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