Welcome to

The goal of our student ministries here at PCC is to help students become lifelong followers of Christ. We do that by helping students explore and embrace what it means to have a real relationship with God, develop real relationships with others, and make a real impact upon their world.
We want to partner with parents in the process of helping students connect and be an integral part of the larger church family while having an age-specific place to invest directly into the unique and formative stage of development they are in.
Wednesday Nights
6 – 7:30 PM
The vision and goal of Wednesday nights is to make every student a disciple of Jesus Christ. It isn’t complicated, but along the way, we complicate things. Jesus came to set us free, and in doing so, offers us a new way to live as His followers. Come and join us if you are in high school or in Middle School on Wednesday nights for a high energy place to experience Christ, learn from the Word’s deep applicable messages, and all the while having fun!
Pancakes and Prayer
Third Sunday of the Month | 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Middle school Sunday school class that desires to grow student’s faith and build community through sharing a meal together. We want the students to feel like they have a community in the youth group that cares personally about them. This class also strives to help the youth become more connected to the larger church body. Our hope is that the students will become more connected by joining in corporate worship with the congregation, as well as, serving in the local church. That is why this class only meets once a month. Come join us once a month for delicious pancakes and good times