We have lost another dear friend of Peninsula. Last Sunday, our own Don Bricker made his transition from life on earth into presence of God. What a journey that must be. In the last few weeks, he prayed daily that he might make that journey. Life had become difficult and the daily challenges overwhelming. Louella, Don’s wife of 67 years, now faces a fresh challenge. Grief is a rough path to navigate.

I remember Don for lots of things.  He had a quick wit and loved to tease me.  I mean he really loved to tease me. Never out of meanness, only love.  I was his “rabbi” and was so greeted every Sunday morning. After church, I’d get a quick review of the sermon, and often it was not so quick.  But was taken as a compliment.  He engaged people he liked.  And he really engaged me.

These days I look outside my office and remember Don. The privacy fence that hides the ugly container didn’t survive a windstorm we experienced a couple of years ago.  Don volunteered to make the repairs. It took a while (he was already old!) and he would rest in the hallway outside the office and engage Angel, our custodian.  This week Angel dropped by my office heartbroken that he’d lost one of his friends.

Don always had his rough sheriff exterior, but he kept those stories of life on the streets to himself. But he loved Jesus and we used to talk theology. A lot. My last visit with him while he was in the hospital was quite the experience for me. He was struggling, emotionally, mentally, and physically.  I was summoned to help cheer him up and provide some much-needed perspective on the current trial.  I will just say, it took me at least 45 minutes using all my interpersonal skills and attempts at humor to pull him out of his funk.  I was exhausted – but he finally smiled and realized the goodness of God even in that trial. I could then leave.

I will miss my friend.  I will remember his labor for Christ.  I will not forget his love for Jesus. It is time now to rally around Louella, Don’s wife.  She cannot drive but would love to get back to church in a few weeks. We must step up again and take care of Louella. Their two boys rave about all the church has done for their mom and dad, and I’m thrilled to brag on you all. As usual.

This morning as we worship by faith, Don can worship face to face. We are jealous. But it is not yet our time, so considering the resurrection of Jesus, we must be immoveable and unshakeable in our faith. We’ll follow Don soon enough. Just not yet.