Journey Classes

Beginning the Journey
Throughout time, people have sensed a longing in their heart to know God. Some call it a “longing” in their souls; others describe it as an “emptiness” that needs to be filled. If you feel this way, then you are describing a need to take a journey, a journey of the heart, a spiritual journey.

At Peninsula, we’ve created a community for those beginning or those wanting to go to the next level in their spiritual journey. The Journey class provides a place to ask questions, and people to care for and encourage you along the way. 

If you are new to Christianity, or even if you have “tried” church and it feels foreign, awkward, or overwhelming, or as an adult you simply want to re-examine your childhood faith, come join us. If the claims of Christianity raise lots of questions, this class is a great place to find answers.

  • What is the purpose of life?
  • Who is God and where does “Jesus” fit in?
  • Is the Bible really God’s Word?
  • How can I relate to God in a personal way?

Taking Steps
If you are ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime, then take the first step… Come Sunday mornings, 9 – 10 am. The class is “open” — come any week. Journey meets up to three times a year based on interest (after the New Year, after Easter, and in the fall) for eight weeks each. 

To sign up or receive more information, contact Pastor BruceYou can also stop by the Welcome Center, located on the patio outside the PCC worship center, any Sunday morning to pick up a cup of coffee and directions to a class.

“Thirsty hearts are those whose longings have been wakened by the touch of God within them.” – A.W. Tozer

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Our mission is to connect others to Jesus Christ through worship, discipleship, and service, and we want to help you and your family do that in the simplest way possible.





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