Resurrection Sunday… At Any Place

In the hustle and bustle of modern Jerusalem, there is a place of calm. A well-tended modern garden. The entrance is off a small street which feels like an alley. It has been known to be populated with pick-pocketers. I’ve known some to have fallen victim to their...

Journey Through Palm Sunday

One of the more meaningful moments of any journey to Israel is the opportunity to walk the “Palm Sunday” route down the Mount of Olives. We do not know which path He took, though today there are few options. We do know he came down that hill somewhere. A couple of...

Thanks Don!

Six weeks or so ago we had this mean windstorm on the hill. Remember? It really blew and I heard a crash but ignored it. The next day I looked outside the back door of my office and discovered that the vanity wall which had been built to hide the storage container had...

Thank You, Colleen

This morning is a time of transition for us as a church family. It is Colleen Ishimaru’s last Sunday as our director of children’s ministry. She has been among us just shy of five years. Two of those years were hijacked by a pandemic. But even though life itself has...

Longing for Redemption

Sometimes my heart aches for resurrection. It ached this week. On Wednesday I talked with a former member and Elder, Don Personius. His daughter said he was at the end of life, so I wanted to touch base. We had a lovely conversation. He is mobile and surrounded by...

Two Years

It has been two years. It was Friday, March 13, 2020. It is a day I will never forget. We all signed on to “two weeks to lower the curve.” That went well. After two years the restrictions are easing. But what this has done to the church has been painful, but with some...