As you worship this morning, we will have launched Day 0 of the 2024 medical mission. It is not advertised as open, but people in the church have the chance to be see a doctor – and we have a chance to fine tune the system.

This week has not been jammed packed as expected. We had our issue with luggage in bondage. But Moses (aka Morris) came along and had some amazing connections which freed our supplies from downtown Kampala. It was a God-thing, in a week of God-things. But all the tubs are accounted for and in their proper locations.

The local teams are God-thing #2. I was a tad skeptical about things being ready for Sunday’s opening. Even this morning (Friday), I had my doubts. But today, the team in the pharmacy and the team in the container (storage and inventory) have made amazing progress.  To me? It’s a God-thing. And others are wrestling with the budget and paring things down. God-thing #3.

So, the week has been nothing I had expected, but God has been faithful each day. It didn’t always feel that way (like when I thought I was going to have to choose alternate team housing on the fly). But the relationships pick up where they leave off, and the goodness and grace of God fills in any cracks.

The sunset tonight was so subtle and so beautiful. It has been “PV in June” around here. Overcast, cool, and gloomy. But today it is warmer, and the evening cleared. But when the sun was setting, the sky was a brilliant pink or rose or amber, or whatever you want to call it.  I called it God-thing #4. In spite of my sweat and exhaustion and questions without answers, God splashed the power of His creative hand across the sky. And I know He didn’t do it just for me. His grace is for everyone, everyone who will just stop long enough to look up and see. I left my computer and ran to experience what God was doing in that moment. In that sunset, He did it as only He can do.

It is gone now.  It didn’t last long.  It is getting dark, but I know He is faithful and creative and powerful. He will be at work this week. Our time in Bombo is short. Pray that we will give those we encounter a taste of the power and creativity of God. May we be used by His creative grace to impact the Kingdom of God in the week ahead. And may you enter this week with the same attitude. No matter where we are and what we are doing, we live for Him.