If all has gone according to plan, our team has arrived in Bombo, and I have preached twice this morning to the dear folks of Bombo Pentecostal Church. Cross-cultural preaching is not something I relish. But, if I stick to the Word, how badly can it go? Pretty badly, I must admit. But they are partners in the Kingdom, and I want to encourage them through the Word. It is an honor to be able to share with them again. But I will miss you all.

As I type, all that seems like the distant future. There is so much packing and so much travel between now and Sunday morning. It sounds exhausting. But, a new member interview happened this week that encouraged my soul. A lot. The person attended CLASS 101 and applied for membership, and so we sat down to share how God had been at work in life.

And I must tell you, wow, I was blessed. To hear of the hand of God moving behind the scenes through different countries and different ministries – it was a testimony of His grace. It even included an invitation to come to Peninsula from a neighbor who is so excited about Jesus and what He is doing here (note my carefully worded Back Page to avoid even the pronouns which may tip off the identity, since I don’t have time to gather permission for this intriguing missive). That contact has started something wonderful among us.

The journey of God for this person spanned continents. Asia. Europe. The Americas. The journey to Christ began with someone opening their home to a foreign exchange student (what a huge ministry). It was God who orchestrated it all for His glory and for His good. That’s the nature of the work of God in our lives. We do have a role to play if we will just be open to God’s leading and not try to manipulate things in our direction. Anyway, the person is working through the language barriers and creating new friendships here that I pray will last a lifetime. And finding a place to serve is just around the corner.

God is at work. God is using YOU to be His light and His hope in our neighborhoods. Way to go! I am excited to head to Bombo, but I’m more excited to get back home and grow together this fall. There is so much planned for which we will be able to unite in prayer and in study and share in our spiritual lives.

I pray it will be a fall where people invest in their neighbors, and we see people connecting with God, even if for the second or third time. You rock, Peninsula. Fall’s going to rock. See you soon.