I’m sure you’ve heard by now….that I am a grandpa….again.  Yes, that’s twice in exactly two weeks.  One boy. One girl. It’s now up to Danny and Karen to break the tie in November. Emotions were intense for me this week. They snuck up on me big time, and I was overwhelmed.

It began when I was so far away from my own little girl, and I knew that she was in agony. As we waited for updates, it was all just too quiet. I went through lots of possible scenarios. Why do we do that? Why do I do that? I don’t usually do that. She is a grown and very capable woman and there was no need.  But…she is my little girl, and she was enduring the labor of childbirth.  Being so far away from her was tough on dad. With good reason, I got scoffed at and put in my place later, but I prayed more in those hours than normal for a Tuesday afternoon.

When the news arrived of a safe delivery, I was overwhelmed. Praise the Lord I wasn’t buying a car this time, but I wasn’t with Christie…. I was at an Elder meeting. My mind went mush and it wasn’t always pretty. But baby and mom were ok. What a relief.  All was perfect.  Lindsey was a trooper and made us all so proud.

And little Isla? Perfection once again. Twice in two weeks. The timing could not have been better for the grandparents. We had a flight booked for early Wednesday morning and went straight to the hospital. It’s a grandparent’s paradise right now. But we must come home, we have a grandson in El Segundo to cuddle and spoil.

These last two weeks we have seen the wonderful grace of Jesus. I haven’t held a newborn in 30 years, so this is a most wonderful experience. I get to sleep all night and putter around all day….with long naps in the afternoons. Newborns are amazing, what’s all the drama about?

All the drama is about the amazing plan of God and how He brings human life to the earth in nine months. It is so unbelievable and wonderful. Isla and Everett are made in the image of God, and I cannot wait to be an influence in their lives. This time around I have less responsibility and will have more fun. Just so they know I love them and would give my life for them….and that I am praying daily for their walk with God.

God has showered us with blessings. Sometimes more than we can ask or think.  And a lot all at once I guess is just His style! Have a great morning of worship and Lord willing, I’ll see you soon. To God be the glory!