Have you ever read Leviticus?

Have you ever read Leviticus? When you did, was it enjoyable? It is not that bad, but it is a book which contains passages which require some discipline. But if you carefully apply your Bible study methods, you can find veins of gold hidden among the rocks. It is in...

Remembering Mary Jeanne

This afternoon we will gather to celebrate our God and honor Mary Jeanne Buttrey. In that order. The first half of the service was crafted by Mary Jeanne herself.  She selected the songs and texts and themes. The second half? Not so much. Her family has put together...

Fingerprints of Herod

By the time you read this on Sunday morning, I (and our group) will be somewhere over the polar ice cap, I hope. It has been a wonderful two weeks, but there is no place like home. Friday, we walked up onto and into the palace Herod the Great built outside Bethlehem...

Trip #13 to Israel

On my thirteenth trip to Israel, you’d think I would get my act together.  Think again. I’ve only remembered to put on my sunscreen once. I have yet to remember to bring my walking stick with me out of the bus. I remembered my knee support once (today). Of course, I...

Hooked on Israel

In 1992 I was invited to go to Israel with my father-in-law. He had been many times and I reluctantly joined him. We only had two children at that time, but Christie let me go (her dad had asked). During that trip I developed a love for The Land. In Jerusalem, our...

Remembering Gloria Umbarger

Tuesday afternoon was beautiful – off Western Avenue at least. At home is was ugly with a capital U. But I wasn’t home. I was standing in the sun, warm as toast. From my vantage point, I could see the final resting places of many dear friends of Peninsula. I have been...